Experiencing 100 with Y1

Here’s an idea for helping children to experience numbers up to 100. I came across it in a NCETM video in October last year (not quite in time to use it with class).

On the video, a year 1 class had a display on which they count the school days in a year. The number of days was shown using dienes, Numicon and symbolically. The children described how many days there had been, for example, on the 27th day as two sets of ten days and 7 more. After 100 days the class held a 100-themed party to celebrate.

The children saw the number of days increasing gradually; they saw ten ones become one ten; quantities were represented using different visuals. It gave me an idea. We’ve just moved house, so I thought I’d count the first 100 days with my 5 year-old daughter – it’ll give us another opportunity for a party too!

As you can see, we’re going to record the day on a number line, using 10-frames, symbolically and on a diary. We’ve not unpacked yet, so I’ll need to find a better space for our poster than the kitchen table… I’m sure it’s also an idea that many teachers will consider using with their classes.

I hope you have a fantastic start to the new term. Look out for my upcoming ‘For me to improve…’ series of blogs, being written soon, where I will write about my weaknesses as a teacher and what I’m doing to address them. It promises to be a great year!